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Fat Dissolving

I offer two main types of fat dissolving - Lemon Bottle and Aqualyx. Please read below to find out about each of them.

Lemon Bottle

Lemon Bottle is a relatively new injectable fat dissolver that has excellent results. It is made up of 3 main ingredients (Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Bromelain (Pineapple) and Lecithin. These ingredients work together to break down fat cells, reduce inflammation and excrete the broken down fat cells from the body. 

Treatment areas include double chin, backs of arms, abdomen, thighs, back fat etc. One size does not fit all in terms of the amount of treatments you may need. 


Aqualyx is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. It is a solution derived from deoxycholate, which is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies and it has been modified and approved for use in dissolving fat. 
Aqualyx can be used on various areas such as the chin, abdomen, arms, thighs and also to treat pseudogynecomastia in men. 

Aqualyx liquefies fat cells and destroys them permanently. The waste is removed from your body through your lymphatic system and kidneys then out in your urine. Every individual is different and some people have more stubborn fat pockets than others, which is why it is difficult to say how many treatments you may need. One person may need one session and another may need four sessions. This will be discussed with you at your consultation in regards to how many treatments you may need.

Treatments are typically 4-6 weeks apart for optimum results. The procedure is usually very well tolerated and there are minimal side effects and risks.

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Fat Dissolving: Bio
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