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Booking Fee

Booking fee for any appointment up to the value of £150 is £20.

Booking fee for any appointment over the value of £150 is £50.

Booking fees will be deducted off the total cost of the treatment.


Cancellation Policy

You may rearrange your appointment up to twice.

If you do not attend or if you cancel your appointment with less than 48 hours notice, I regret I will not be able to offer you a further appointment and as stated above, booking fees are non-refundable.

Privacy Policy

Why do you need my information?

Before I can carry out any treatments on you, it is important for me to know your personal details, your GP details and your medical history. This is so I can make sure any treatment you have is safe for you. It is also a requirement from my insurance company to obtain this information from you prior to treatment.

Where will my information be stored?

Your information will be treated with the utmost respect, privacy and dignity. Your paper notes will be stored in a secure locked filing cabinet and a copy of these along with your photographs will be stored electronically in a double password protected folder.

How long will my information be kept for?

It is a legal requirement from my insurance company to keep records for 7 years. After this length of time, notes will be discarded in confidential waste.

Will you share my information with other parties?

There may come a time where I have to share your information with other parties. This could be with your GP surgery, a plastic surgery doctor, a local hospital or other aesthetic colleagues. The reason for this may be that I need help from other colleagues regarding a complication or an emergency situation. Your information will only be used in this instance if it would otherwise be detrimental to your health and well-being and the benefits of doing this would override the need for confidentiality.

Lateness Policy

Your appointment is specifically reserved for you and a select amount of time is reserved for your treatment to take place. Due to my busy schedule, if you are late by 15 minutes or more then it may be that your appointment is cancelled. This is to ensure that the next patient's appointment runs on time and no delays are caused.

Children Policy

Due to the nature of the clinic and the treatments involved, it is with regret that no children are allowed in the clinic. It is not appropriate for a child to be in the room whilst injectable treatments are being carried out and I do not have a waiting area where they can wait.

Photographic consent 

It is essential for me to take before and after photos. I am required by my insurance company to do this and I will get you to sign a photographic consent form on arrival to agree to this. If you do not agree, then it is with regret that I will be unable to treat you.

Social media  

​I use all photos on my social media pages and website to show others my work. Any photos I do use will not give away your identity unless you consent to this.

Refund Policy


All non-surgical cosmetic treatments come with risks, potentially harmful side effects and no guarantee that it will work or last for a specific amount of time. This will be discussed with you at your consultation and you will be asked to sign a consent form to agree to all of the above statements and give consent to have the treatment.

Aesthetics by Lauren takes any dissatisfaction or concerns very seriously. For any serious reactions or side effects, you must make contact with Lauren and arrange a face to face appointment where she will carry out a full review. In the case of any vascular compromise or allergic reaction, Lauren will provide remedial treatment free of charge.

Any other issue that has no detrimental effect on your immediate health will incur a charge to rectify.

Policies: Welcome
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