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Vitamin B12 Booster Injections

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that aids vitality and wellbeing. It helps with digestion, mood regulation and assists in maintaining a healthy immune system. The main way for us to receive this vitamin is through the foods we eat, as our bodies do not naturally make it. Foods rich in vitamin B12 are milk, eggs, fish and meat. Low vitamin B12 levels can cause lots of symptoms for example, fatigue, loss of appetite, brain fog, stress, low mood, feeling faint and pale skin.

Some people may have a deficiency in vitamin B12 because their bodies are unable to absorb it and this would need investigating by a GP. If you are vegetarian or vegan and do not eat the foods that provide you with vitamin B12 or you need an overall boost of energy, then this injection may be for you. It may help with bone health, reduce the risk of deficiency, improve brain function and improve mood. Vitamin B12 is water-soluble, which means if you have any excess of it in your body that is not needed, it will pass through in your urine and this removes any risk of overdose.

Please note that I am only allowed to give this treatment for aesthetic purposes only, which is supplementary and if you have any symptoms of deficiency, then you must visit your GP for investigation and treatment instead. You will be required to sign a consent form to agree that this treatment is for supplementary purposes only and I cannot be held responsible if you give false information or withhold information.

Benefits of Vitamin B12 booster injections include:

- Boosts energy levels

- Improves mood

- Healthy hair, skin and nails

- Improves sleep

- Helps with weight loss

- Protects heart

- Brain health

- Balances immune system

- Helps with mental well-being

- Prevents anaemia

- Aids digestion

and the list goes on...

Vitamin B12: Welcome
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